
Salient Features :

  • Machine rated for continuous operations

  • Higher out put with process uniformity

  • Range of S>S. perforated or wire knitted screens available

  • Different size of screen/ spred/ number of blade/ directions of rotation of blade can be selected

  • Unique 360* screen of higher out put

  • No expensive dust collections system required when used for pulverizing
  • All contact parts of SS 316 AISI ) SS 304 optional)

  • All parts can be easily dismantled for cleaning, washing, & validation

  • AC variables drive for stepless speed controls

  • Flame proof motor

  • AC variable Drive

  • Horizontal type Multimill


Co- Mill used for Dry and Wet milling/size reduction of wide range of products. It is suitable for stand alone a s well as online milling.

Benefits & Highlights :

Low speed design allowing for inherently gentle action on the product resulting in optimum particle granularity. Low heat,low noise, minimal fines consistent high quality end product, can be used on heat sensitive products, high capacities, fully customizable to many different applications and process stream.

Advantages as compared to other Milling Equipment :

  • The output in Co Mill is very near to the size of the sieve used approx 80% - 90% whereas in multi mill its 1/3 of the sieve used

  • The FInes generated are on lower side as compared to other mills

  • Heat generated in Co Mill is comparatively very low as it works on forced pressure

  • Other mills havmor of dusting as compared to Co- Mill

  • Output in Co- mill is more than any other mills.

  • Design is flexible as per your requirement.

Colloid Mill

SAMS COLLOID MILL is ideal for emulsification of liquid for highly viscous products the operation is based on rotor- stator principal. SAMS COLLOID MILL is available in plain as well as water jacketed models coma which are suitable for heat sensitive products.


Pharmaceuticals, Chemical, Food, Dairy, Sweetmeats Cosmetics ,Print and Dyes, etc

Special Features
  • Contact parts are made out of AISI 316 quality stainless steel
  • Belty Drive provided between motor shaft and rotor shaft to facilitate easy maintenance
  • Two oil seals are provided to prevent liquid entering into bearing housing to avoid jamming of the same
  • DOL starter is provided with overload relay
  • In-built three way cock system for draining in recirculation of liquids which are not highly viscous
  • Separate discharge spout provided for draining out highly viscous products

  • Facility provided for adjustment of grinding gap by an exterior screw by means of handle even during operation

  • Flame proof motor and rotary switch can be supplied at extra clock cost